Applying & Interviewing

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How to make your job application stand out

Have you applied for a job and never heard back? You’re not alone. Let's discuss ways to make your job application stand out so you get a callback.

How to ask your boss for a raise or promotion

This conversation might seem scary. We’re going to make it easy – but it requires you to be a top-notch performer, don’t overthink the conversation itself, we’ll guide you through.

What to do before you accept a new job offer

It’s common for candidates to react and make hasty decisions when they receive a job offer. Don’t worry though. We’re here to help. Accepting a job offer is a big deal...

10 Questions You Should Ask the Hiring Manager in a Job Interview

This is important. The hiring manager will learn a lot about the questions you ask them during the interview process, and you, too, can learn more about the company and the role.

Common Sales Interview Questions and Answers

I hired over 100 salespeople during my time at career at DoorDash. During my tenure, I found that myself–and my peers–asked many of the same questions in the early stages of...

Common Software Engineering Interview Questions

There are too many possible interview questions for software engineering roles to prepare for them all in detail. You can do better than other candidates by understanding the goals

How to use the STAR method to ace your interviews

We’re not all natural interviewers, and that’s okay. The pressure of the interview, all the past examples we can pull from, and how you decide to share those experiences can be..

7 signs you will get the job after an interview

Interviewing for a new role is a stressful and emotional experience. Add in the pressure of wondering if you’re going to get a job offer after a series of grueling interviews...

The top 13 best job search engines

For job seekers, finding a new job can be a daunting task. On average, U.S. job seekers will spend about 5 months looking for their next position. And while 60% of...
Time To Read
10 minutes

Top 19 Behavioral Interview Questions

While most interviews aim to make sure new hires have the right skills and experience for the open role, behavioral questions give interviewers better insight into a candidate’s...
Time To Read
11 minutes

How Long Does it Take to Hear Back After an Interview

Waiting to hear back from a recruiter or hiring manager after an interview is a stressful experience. Even with a clear plan of next steps, the time it takes to hear back from...