Salary Negotiation

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The Definitive Guide to Negotiating your Salary

Are you making the right salary? Find out how most companies approach compensation and what you need to know to negotiate a fair salary for your role.

How to respond when a recruiter asks: "What's your salary expectation?"

If you read nothing else beyond this sentence, take this away: Never tell a recruiter what your salary expectation is.

How to write a salary negotiation email

Wondering how to send a salary negotiation email? We'll break down a few tips to help you negotiate via email.

Can you lose a job offer for negotiating?

Rescinding a job offer is extremely rare, but it happens. In my 13 years of experience as a recruiter, I've only done it three times. The biggest reason was that...

How to get a raise or promotion in the next 6 months

Every company has that employee who consistently delivers and consistently gets rewarded. We're giving you an inside look at what sets them apart.

How to negotiate an offer when a company doesn't negotiate

Companies sometimes adopt a compensation philosophy where they don’t negotiate job offers. These are called “set rate” offers. It may sound like there’s nothing you can do...

The Ultimate Salary Negotiation Script For Every Scenario

Instead of relying on limited experience, consider the following best practices for salary negotiation—and get specific salary negotiation script examples you can use today.

10 Tips to Write a Salary Negotiation Email

Crafting a compelling salary negotiation email can be the game-changer in securing the paycheck you deserve. In this listicle, we break down the essential elements for mastering...

18 Expert Tips on Salary Negotiation 

Salary negotiation can be a difficult skill to learn. For most employees, negotiating salary only happens in the 5 -7 times they change jobs in their career...

9 Tips on How to Counteroffer in a Salary Negotiation

Negotiating a salary offer can feel daunting and overwhelming. And for most employees, fears of rejection stop them from even trying to negotiate. But here’s what most jobs...

Should You Always Negotiate Salary?

Over 50% of employees report feeling very uncomfortable with the idea of asking for money so they avoid the discussion altogether...

What to put for desired salary on application

The desired salary question is a perfect example of how most job applicants make an easy mistake. But how you answer specific questions on the application can determine whether...